With Christmas and New Year's just around the corner, this is a timely reminder about paid leave.
There is a wide range of different leave that can be taken by an employee depending on the circumstances. The main types are...
Annual leave
Public holidays
Sick leave
Bereavement leave
Parental leave
Family violence leave
Alternative holidays
Annual Leave
The most relevant leave at this time of the year is annual leave. All permanent employees are entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual holidays (annual leave) for each full year they have worked with the employer. Each year is determined by the anniversary that the employee started. However, employers can allow employees to take their annual holiday leave before their anniversary, which then is called leave in advance.
Unlike other types of leave, annual holidays are calculated differently. Employers need to make sure that it is calculated correctly. If you are unsure contact us, we are more than happy to walk you through the process.
Public Holidays
For public holidays that fall on days that employees usually work, they are entitled to receive a paid day off.
If an employee is required to work on that public holiday, there are two scenarios:
If it's their normal rostered day of work, their pay rate must be at least a time and a half and they also get an alternative day off / day in lieu.
If it's not their usual day they work, then their pay rate must be at least a time and a half but as an employer, you are not obligated to give them an alternative day off / day in lieu.
The maximum of public holidays that employees can receive in any one year is twelve days.
During the end-of-year period, employees are not entitled to more than four public holidays, regardless of their usual work schedule. Those dates for this coming holiday season year are listed below...
2023/24 Christmas & New Year's Stat Days
Dec 25th - Mon
Dec 26th - Tues
New Year's Day Sun 1st Jan (observed Tues 3rd)
Day after New Year's Day
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us for more information or you can read more here on the Employment New Zealand Website